Monday, September 29, 2008

Where Have I Seen This Before?

Remember Ms. South Carolina? You know...."I personally believe such the Iraq.....South up our as."

Now. Think of the Sarah Palin/Katie Couric interview last week. In case you missed it....enjoy:

Yeah...I know. The similarities are, like, such as, FREAKY!!!

Here's the real kicker. In preparing to share my newfound revelation with you this evening I decided to instantly lower my IQ (like watching the Palin clip wasn't enough) by reliving the agony of Ms. South Carolina's big moment. What was the first result on YT when I searched "Ms. South Carolina"?

A Sarah Palin spoof on Ms. South Carolina!:

Yep. The world has already made the connection. And I thought I was a ground breaker.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Sooo frigg'n funny man. What a twit.