Monday, October 6, 2008

Election Spin and Brain Anatomy

Here's one of the reasons I could never be a politician (or is this a reason I could be?): I break promises. I said I would refrain from political entries for the next week at least. Well, sorry but I couldn't help it.

I really have no issue with people voting Liberal. Honestly (and I'm not lying this time). If you decide to vote Liberal, good on ya. They have some very appealing positions and policies. I would like to be able to vote for them and I am sure some day I will again. However, please don't vote for them because of their latest slew of attack ads on Stephen Harper, characterizing him as a George Bush wannabe. Please, realize that you are smarter than this horse shit. "Brotherizing" Harper and Bush has become very in vogue (en vogue in Quebec) amongst the Canadian left wing ideologues these days. I was thinking it was something in the Starbucks Latte, however if this was the case I would be under the same spell. Open any newspaper to the editorial section and you will find myriad articles recycling the same theme on a different day. It really has gotten old for those of us able to fire up the critical analysis portion of our brain (the frontal lobe if I'm not mistaken). Sure Mr. Harper is right of center. Someone in this country has to try to average the "net compass position" towards the center. Without him Canada's collective "square" would fall off the bottom left corner of the graph for Christ's sake (if confused read blog entry titled, "Find Your Square and be Proud.") But Mr. Harper's position right of center does not automatically equate the guy, and his party, to Mr. Sarah Palin.

There is an excellent article in Saturday's Ottawa Citizen written by Dan Gardner. Here is the link:

The article provides readers with several points, both ideological theory and legislative fact, which prove that when one uses their cognitive capacities, the link between George Bush and Stephen Harper gets more and more tenuous. The fact of the matter is this: Mr. Harper and the Conservatives are closer to Mr. Bush and the Republicans than any of the other mainstream leaders or parties in Canada. Both of my cats have realized this. But to allow your brain to blindly accept Dion's claims (if you are able to understand him of course) that Mr. Harper is a Bush clone would be a lazy, uncritical conclusion. If compared to our current prime ministerial candidates, Barrack Obama, who I think is going to be a fantastic president if given the chance, would fall not all that far from Mr. Harper in terms of ideology and current platforms. The Democratic Party of America, would no doubt be considered right of center comparatively in Canada. Does this make Obama and his party Bush wannabe's? Hardly. Use your brains people. Separate fact from left wing shepherding. Don't land in the herd. Instead, use your frontal lobe.

1 comment:

Do ya wanna buy a monkey? said...

Frontal lobes are overrated. I'm amused reading this after reading your comment on my blog which was basically comparing Harper to Bush. I haven't listened to Dion or anyone else I came to those conclusions on my own. Harper frightens me, I think the only reason he isn't exactly like Bush is that he hasn't been given a majority. I feel that we are protected by a minority government, I just don't trust him.

I will continue reading your blog, quite entertaining.