Friday, October 3, 2008

Some Debatables

What I learned last night:

  • Setting the bar ridiculously low makes average intelligence appear genius.
  • Joe Biden has had work done on his eyes. The right one specifically looks Joan Rivers-like.
  • We may very well be the stupidest country on the planet to offer a man who wants to pack up his province and "move out" a seat at a national leadership debate.
  • Elizabeth May is smart.
  • I don't like the "kitchen table" debate format. Must have been Jack's idea.
  • Jack Layton is the bratty short kid that should be shoved into his locker every morning.
  • There were only three parties sitting at the table last night: The Bloc, The Conservatives, and The NGLP (The New Green Liberal Party).
  • The American debate format is better than the Canadian but the Canadian is more of a circus (it's the one time that Canadian politics looks "American" and American looks "Canadian.")
  • Like him or not, Harper is a leader and the rest are not (save Duceppe, but he shouldn't count (see third point above)).
  • Elizabeth May looks like Eeyore the donkey.
  • Jack Layton looks like the guy selling computer educational software on TV.
  • Duceppe looks like a transvestite separatist.
  • Stephane Dion looks like a mouse.
  • Harper looks like George Bush (for my left wing readers).
  • Palin really accentuates the long "I" vowel sound.    

And finally,

  • Stephane Dion is like the 20-year-old virgin who decides to get a hooker to "get on the board" yet comes out of the whole affair still a virgin. He's got the sure thing right there in front of him. His party truly does represent most Canadians. Yet, he is such a dufous he just can't "get laid."


Adrian said...

Totally agree with the round table discussion. I think they have to do it that way because there's so many freak'n people in the debate.

drew said...

Hey - they just mentioned Biden's eye-job on the View. Told ya.