Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Example of Clear Choice

There are times when making a decision is tough. You know, "Should I get the lasagna or the ravioli?" However, has there ever been a time when the decision has been as easy as this? "Do I vote for an ass-clown (x 2) or do I vote for someone who is capable of sustaining an educated and substantive conversation with (i.e. keep up with)the person deemed to be the most shallow anchorperson on television right now?" (although I do think Katie Couric generally gets a bad rap).

Once again, "Shit-bull" provides me with another piece of incriminating evidence. Her crime?: being dumber than moronic (which is actually quite tough...try it. Bet you can't do it).

Any chance I can get my American citizenship and register in a swing state in 33 days?

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