I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I know I have completely slaughtered the election horse to the point of entrails. However, it would just be wrong, if after all of this, I didn't write one last entry on what just happened. Canada, you got it right last night (save Atlantic Canada who reminds me of phantom limb pain). This is exactly what Canada needs – a strong Conservative minority that has a moderately secure mandate. The evangelists in the party will be muzzled and locked in their cages only to be released for parliamentary votes. All will be okay.
So here are my thoughts, expectations, and otherwise unimportant musings:
- The Liberal brass need to see that their party has moved too far left to be Canada's natural governing party. The average centrist Canadian is just no longer comfortable with their migration from common sense. A national party they are no longer.
- Canada needs to have a multi-partisan health care summit. I'm not talking about a bullshit photo op where all of the parties get together on a nice lake in Quebec and announce their archaic ideological views on Canada's health care system. I'm talking about a week-long melding of the minds where a combination of politicians, clinicians, and scholars can speak free of political retribution about how our current system needs to be overhauled. It's time we realize that our system is not one of the best in the world. It stinks. Canadians have to let go of the ridiculous notion that universal health care is a national symbol like Gretzky, the Maple Leaf, and Celine Dion's chest-pounding. Allow our leaders to discuss and consider meaningful change instead of politically-safe patch work. While you're at it people, take some time to read up on health care systems around the world. You will learn that a two-tier system is nothing close to American. In fact it is very much European. Oh, and it works. Our health is too important to treat the system that ensures it like a sacred cow. With criticism comes improvement.
- As a nation we can't complain about another minority government when we insist on having five main stream parties. It comes down to simple math.
- Danny Williams is a fucking buffoon.
- I'm glad Michael Fortier lost. Harper so screwed that up and got what he deserved.
- Book it. Stephane Dion is the worst leader in Liberal Party history. When contacted late last evening Paul Martin stated that he was more than happy to relinquish his title.
- The Green Party should not be allowed at the next debate. As refreshing as Elizabeth May was, the debate is meant for potential Prime Ministers to demonstrate their mettle, not an interview for "Smartest, Nicest Canadian."
- I would vote for the leader of ANY PARTY if they came out on the first day of an election campaign with the following promise:
"Within one month of taking office, I will legislate a referendum in Quebec on the issue of sovereignty. The question will be clear: 'Do you want Quebec to completely separate from Canada on May 1, 2009? If yes, Quebec will be responsible for establishing their own currency, military, and network of social programs, including health care, completely independent from those of Canada. The new country of Quebec will also be responsible for their portion of Canada's national debt at that time and must purchase back all federal property within the geographic borders of the new nation. It is understood that anything greater that 50% in favour of this separation will result in its full enactment. Yes____ No____'"
If "yes" wins (which it won't) we cut the cancer lose, collect our money, give federal jobs to unilinguists, and move on. If "no" wins, legislation will take effect immediately to have the Bloc disbanded as a federal party. Either way, we have our country back.
- Finally, look at an updated color-coded Canadian electoral map. It looks like a big, sore, bruise.
1 comment:
Actually I am starting to wonder if the Liberals have learned anything in the past five years. Instead of trying to come up with new policies that will make them attractive to voters in the 21st century they basically throw their defeated leaders to the wolves and expect all their troubles will end with a new person in charge. "Just wait till Iggy, Bob, or Frank takes over and we'll kick their butts next election. They basically kicked Chretien out after the guy won three majorities because they believed they would win SUPER DOPER majorities with Paul Martin. We all saw how that went.
Sure Dion made mistakes and his carbon tax scared the heck out of a lot of Canadians but the problems the Liberals have run much deeper then changing the leader.
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